About us

Dear Colleagues:

It has become clear in our field that the HPV technologies and HPV-based preventive strategies are dramatically reshaping our understanding of cervical cancer prevention in both developed and developing countries. This interest translates into some 3,500 new scientific publications per year, multiple reviews, guidelines and recommendations that include not minor inconsistencies in the messaging. Modern forms of independent and simplified communication need to be in place to facilitate dissemination of the progress in the field.

We are now entering a down-to-earth period in which decisions are being made and where the state of opinion of the medical and health professionals is critical. This includes practical and implementation issues, such as the introduction of HPV testing or the support to the vaccination programs, but also the challenging research areas such as the implication of HPV in head and neck or skin cancers. At the end of the day, it is the status of the medical opinion that forces public health recommendations and shapes the change.

For the last 15 years the newsletter HPV TODAY has enjoyed a significant success as a reader-friendly and quality-assured source of information for clinicians. This project is now terminated, giving way to a novel project, HPV WORLD, a publication that will be devoted to generating a summary of the results of complex research areas in a reader-friendly manner, with ample dissemination in the professional networks and interactive features.

HPV WORLD will include a new technical editor and a new team in graphics design/technology that will allow free e-circulation of the materials as well as allowing the production of high quality printed version for targeted distribution at relevant events and meetings. The operational mode will be largely based on invitations to consolidated teams of authors to produce topic-specific compact summaries of the scientific evidence with special interest in the implications in clinical practice. HPV WORLD will preserve its editorial independence in terms of authorship invitations and selection of contents that makes it particularly attractive to medical audiences.

We have an exciting period ahead of us and these academic vehicles of communication are likely to become precious links between science and clinical practice. Building on over 15 years of the HPV TODAY experience, HPV WORLD is geared at being one of these vehicles, perhaps the most consistent and valued in the HPV field.

Looking forward to a sustained collaboration with many of you.

Best regards.

Xavier Bosch
Scientific and project coordinator HPV WORLD

HPVWorld is a project endorsed by

HPV World is a project endorsed by sponsors

HPW has received unrestricted educational grants from HPV stakeholders:


Sponsors 2021-2023